Our Churches
The Comunidade Batista Oceânica
Praia do Foguete, Cabo Frio/RJ.
The history of CBO - Beach rocket begins with the missionary vision of Pastor Patti LaCarter, shepherdess Tania Moreira and Georgia Costa, who prayed to God to show them where to start a new missionary work.
Some time later, precisely in 2001, the Holy Spirit showed the shepherdess Tanya (CBO Niterói) the need to establish a congregation in rocket Beach in the city of Cabo Frio, where there was no evangelical church.
The work was started in October 2001 and now is led by pastors Robson and Naruby Serra and works in Road Cabo Frio / Arraial do Cabo, n.04 Cancels 1 - Rocket Beach - Cabo Frio / RJ.
For more information visit www.comunidadebatistaoceanica.com.br .

Comunidade Batista Oceânica Internacional Leblon, Zona Sul/RJ.
The history of International CBO is the beginning of a dream , the implementation of a church in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro . It started with a visit of Pr . Gregg Matte , First Baptist Church of Houston , Brazil, in 2012 , he felt the heart to open a church in Rio de Janeiro .
When the plans are really God things happen so! This was also the dream of missionary Pra . Patti LaCarter and Georgia coast , the Community Baptist Oceanic Niteroi . So it all started. Prayers , plans, studies , etc.
Currently, we meet every week in Leblon through Small Groups and Worship happens every Sunday at 09: 00h . Ahead of the project are the pastor Rafael Cordeiro and his wife Luiza . For more information visit the facebook page : CBO INTERNATIONAL